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Boost your personal brand on LinkedIn

Some tips on how you can increase the visibility of your professional profile to become a reference within your community

LinkedIn is by definition the social network that encompasses professionals and companies, and where they can interact as experts in different fields and industries. Therefore, the personal profile on LinkedIn is your professional window for both users and companies around the world. Having your complete, curated and active profile is essential to boost your personal brand.

Therefore, we have gathered some helpful recommendations so that you can boost your personal brand on LinkedIn, stand out among thousands of users in your field, and take your visibility to the next level.


Your LinkedIn profile
  • Profile photo: it must be professional, and if it is the same one used in the company, much better
  • Attractive header image, do not leave it blank. It can be a simple background, a phrase, an image, but ideally it reflects you as a professional.
  • Title: include keywords related to your professional community
  • Description: cover letter of who you are professionally 
  • Complete education and experience
  • Update in Spanish and English
  • Include relevant skills for you and your field, that of course are real and relevant

Ejemplo de perfil de LinkedIn


Working in your community also helps your visibility on this platform, and helps you to better attract or connect with your community of interest. To achieve this it is recommended:

  • Participation in LinkedIn groups within your industry
  • Follow/add to your network: co-workers, companies in your industry (for example, GeneXus), clients with whom you have a good relationship, or colleagues who are active and interactive on LinkedIn
  • Comment, react, share to posts that interest you and that are within your field/industry
  • Use hashtags or search for topics that interest you, and interact with them


Posts: create content with value

Content creation is important to create a community, but also to keep your profile positioned positively in the industry/sector in which you belong.

It does not necessarily have to be long content, it can simply be:

  • Share photos of an event you attended
  • Share a certificate from a completed course, like our WorkWithPlus 15 Analyst Workshop 🚀 
  • Some good work-related news
  • Sharing a colleague's good news 
  • Whatever you want to share professionally!
  • And even if it seems silly, including emojis adds visual interest, and gets more views


Interaction with your community

Interacting with your community, or with topics that interest you, enhances the creation of your community and being able to see the content that interests you and/or be part of the conversation.

The interaction can be:

  • React to posts (there are several ways to react: I like it, I love it, it inspires me, etc.)
  • Comment: it can be brief or something long that you want to limit the discussion
  • Share – Simply share a company or colleague post or add a comment when sharing it

All your interactions will give LinkedIn information about your professional profile, topics that interest you and your field, to form your community and show you this type of content, and of course also to show your content to people relevant to you.


Social Selling Index (SSI)

The Social Selling Index is the LinkedIn index that measures the efficiency of our profile according to actions. Do you want to calculate yours? Below we leave you the link where you can see it and compare your profile with others within your community.


Calculate your SSI: