The Chilean company Technologies managed to cut its development time for its new ERPXWare versions...
10 reasons to visit our website
Why visit the WorkWithPlus website? Discover all we have prepared to enhance your experience. Immerse yourself in innovation and make the most out of all our resources!
En WorkWithPlus, nuestro objetivo principal es que con nuestra suite de productos, y nuestros servicios, los desarrolladores y desarrolladoras GeneXus, puedan tener una experiencia holística de desarrollo. Queremos estar a su lado para ofrecer funcionalidades innovadoras, que acorten el tiempo de desarrollo, proporcionando mucha productividad y automatización, con un diseño asombroso. Y todo esto, mientras ayudamos a que puedan aprender a utilizar los productos, sacándoles el máximo provecho, y también acompañándolos con un servicio de soporte con profesionales expertos para que puedan despejar sus dudas y resolver cualquier problema.
Queremos que nuestro sitio web refleje exactamente eso, y que puedas encontrar todo a la mano para tener una experiencia de desarrollo completa. Te presentamos 10 razones para visitar nuestro sitio web:
At WorkWithPlus, our main objective is that GeneXus developers can have a holistic development experience with our suite of products and our services. We want to be at your side to offer innovative features that shorten development time, providing a lot of productivity and automation, with an amazing design. And all this, while we help them learn to use our products, getting the most out of them, and also accompanying them with a support service with expert professionals so that they can clear up their doubts and resolve any issues.
We want our website to reflect exactly that, and for you to find everything at hand for a complete development experience. We present you 10 reasons to visit our website:
1. Discover our courses, tutorials and trainings
You can find a wide variety of very diverse workshops and trainings, where you will be able to train in the WorkWithPlus suite. We offer courses with basic concepts for those who are just beginning to learn our tool, as well as more advanced trainings for more experienced professionals. You can find most of our courses available on our Learning site.
Some trainigs you will find are:
- Onboardings: uno al mes, por idioma y por producto
- First steps course: pre-recorded to watch whenever you like
- WorkWithPlus 15 Analyst course with certification exam*
- UX Specialist Workshop with WorkWithPlus*
- Personalized trainings for your company*
*courses with cost
2. Trial request
We offer all our products in a trial version, completely for free for 30 days, so that you can test them and discover the power of WorkWithPlus.
3. Demo request
We offer 100% personalized and free demos, where we show you how to use our suite, as well as the most interesting and powerful features, and we advise you on whatever you need.
4. Support
We have a team of expert professionals who are available to help you with any issue during your development process in your GeneXus projects. Reporting incidents, clearing doubts or asking for assistance to achieve certain results. You can contact the Support department from our website or our mailbox.
One of the pillars of WorkWithPlues is to achieve incredible experiences. This is why we have +20 Design Systems created by our team of experts following the latest trends in usability and user experience. On the examples site, you will be able to browse these designs and choose which one to use in your projects. Plus, these designs are 100% customizable so you can create a personalized design in just a few minutes!
6. Download our most recent versions
On our site you can always download the most recent versions of our products, and access their release notes to make the most of the latest released resources.
Our Innovation and Development team regularly updates and adds features to our products. Many of the ideas are our own, others follow market and GeneXus trends, but we also like to take suggestions from our community to incorporate in future versions. That is why we have a space on our site specifically so that users from our community can enter suggestions that other users can in turn vote on, so that these ideas can be incorporated into future versions.
WorkWithPlus is a product platform designed to empower GeneXus development teams and help them solve different challenges with high productivity. Currently, we have 5 products:
- WorkWithPlus for Web
- WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile
- WorkWithPlus for BI
- WorkWithPlus for Audit
- WorkWithPlus for VideoCall
Would you like to learn more about them? On our website you have all the information available!
9. Blog & success stories
We have a space where we share notes of interest, news about our suite, technological trends, and we also share success stories from our community who use our products in their development projects in GeneXus.
If you would like to have your project, company or story featured in our website, you can let us know via email so that we can share it with the entire community.
Are you looking to incorporate a new certified developer to your team with knowledge of WorkWithPlus? On our site you can see all the professionals who have taken WorkWithPlus certifications.