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Testimonies that inspire: Miguel Ángel Carapia


EOS Soluciones is a Mexican company with more than 25 years of experience in the development of GRP systems, specifically, a solution based on comprehensive administration systems, specialized in government institutions.


The company has been using WorkWithPlus for a little over four years to develop its applications with GeneXus.

Recently, we spoke with Miguel Angel Carapia, CEO of EOS Soluciones, who gave us his testimony about his experience using WorkWithPlus for Web & WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile.

“It is that ability to generate standardized code, and those ways to save time and benefit the programming team, to achieve a generalized and standardized context of a great solution,” he highlights.

We are very proud to be able to provide solutions that really make a difference for our customers, saving development time, offering amazing custom designs and automation tools, and we think this testimonial could be inspiring and useful to our entire community.

Miguel Ángel also explained: "What I would tell a person that uses GeneXus without WorkWithPlus, is that they should test out this universe, that has a great code generation capacity, that gives you a huge advantage in every aspect, and that it would truly pay for itself, as you will accomplish amazing results in development and maintenance of your application".

Discover how using WorkWithPlus with GeneXus helps you unleash all the power in your development projects! 🚀


If you want to incorporate all the power of WorkWithPlus in your applications with GeneXus, we invite you to download  the trial version of WorkWithPlus which is 100% free, or you can also schedule a free personalizied demo to learn more.


We are sharing his full testimony below:

Subtitles in English available.