
MTI: “We ended up using GeneXus with WorkWithPlus to have that gain in productivity”

Written by Josefina Brum | Mar 13, 2023 6:59:49 PM

The Mato Grosso Information Technology company achieves agile and powerful development thanks to the products WorkWithPlus for Web, for Native Mobile and for Audit.

MTI, a Mato Grosso Information Technology company, is a public company that provides intelligence, services and efficient and integrating technological solutions, contributing to the transformation of the Public Administration of Mato Grosso. They currently have 5 GeneXus developers who work in various project areas.

Renato Espíndola is part of the MTI development team, and was the great promoter of introducing the WorkWithPlus suite in the company. There was already a development team that had been working with GeneXus on some projects for several years, but they started using WorkWithPlus in 2019. Renato explains that “they ended up doing the design projects on their own. Basically, it was me who introduced WorkWithPlus in our GeneXus projects. The typical profile of GeneXus developers is that they have more knowledge in the backend than in the frontend, which is where they have the most difficulty, giving it a more professional finish in that sense. At least that's our reality."

Renato highlights that it was in one of the first projects that they introduced the WorkWithPlus suite of products, and that the result and the process were so productive that from then on they began to implement it in all their GeneXus projects. “There was a project that was requested at the time by the state government, where we needed to create a system to control certain activities. At that time, we had a WorkWithPlus license and we decided to test it on this project. People who use WorkWithPlus know that it makes it much easier for you to do all the general implementation part, makes the final product more beautiful and speeds up the construction part of screens, objects, etc. As we used it in that project, it was presented to the governor, who quite liked the aesthetics and layout that was used, and from then on we began to use it in other projects.”

Our Innovation and Development team is always exploring new ways to increase productivity and create powerful features for GeneXus development. "There are several projects that need to be delivered quickly to state agencies and also projects that need to be delivered urgently to public agencies, and that is why we ended up using GeneXus with WorkWithPlus to have that gain in productivity."

Renato Espíndola


Renato remembers the first opportunity where they used WorkWithPlus for the development of a project. “Where I had the best impact, as a challenge, was in the first project where we used WorkWithPlus. At that time, there was a low expectation that this project could be delivered quickly. When I came in to work on the project, it was already under development by another developer, but they weren't using WorkWithPlus. He had a layout the he created himself. There were a lot of differences in that layout created only with GeneXus compared to the one that we later created with WorkWithPlus. We submitted a second version using WorkWithPlus, and submitted it directly to the Governor. It was a very important selling point to show what we were able to do with the WorkWithPlus suite, as we achieved a high-quality product”.

A strong point that Renato highlights about the WorkWithPlus for Web, WorkWithPlus for Native Mobile and WorkWithPlus for Audit products, is that they achieve a visually excellent design and UX, while at the same time automating functionalities that would otherwise take much longer.

"One of the high points of WorkWithPlus is that it can model the use of the Wizard in a very friendly way, for example, we sat down as with an analyst and opened the Wizard and he began to model the application layout as he wanted. In the other project they went to the examples page and looked at the ones they liked best, and used one of them. I managed to set it up in a very simple way and it also allows you to change it. I could run it again and make the changes I needed in a very interesting way. I think that is the most interesting part about the products. Mainly because it has different attractive designs, I think that makes it much easier when choosing a model and defining it together with the team”.


Quantitative data:

Infocenter project

    • WorkWithPlus instances in transactions: 365
    • WorkWithPlus instances in Web Panels: 425
    • WorkWithPlus instances in Web Template: 88
    • Total objects in KB: 2975

Proyecto MTI GEN:

    • WorkWithPlus instances in transactions: 198
    • WorkWithPlus instances in Web Panels: 119
    • WorkWithPlus instances in Web Template: 82
    • Total objects in KB: 967

Proyecto GAT:

    • WorkWithPlus instances in transactions: 44
    • WorkWithPlus instances in Web Panels: 139
    • Total objects in KB: 694


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